Ajda Tomazin
Ajda Tomazin, koreografinja in oblikovalka, je leta 2005 zaključila umetniško gimnazijo za sodobni ples na SVŠGL, leta 2011 je na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani diplomirala pri mag. Tanji Pak in mag. Milanu Eriču. Leta 2010 je eno leto vzporedno študirala filmsko in televizijsko montažo na AGRFT, naslednje leto pa jo je potegnilo nazaj v uprizoritvene umetnosti in se zato odpravila na študij na Inštitut za Aplikativne gledališke znanosti na Univerzi v Giessnu v Nemčiji, kjer je leta 2014 zaključila magistrski študij Koreografije in performansa pri prof. dr. Bojani Kunst. V času akademskega študija in po njem je s svojimi deli (fotografija, video, keramika in unikatno oblikovanje) sodelovala na številnih skupinskih in samostojnih razstavah. Kot oblikovalka kostumov in/ali prostora je sodelovala s številnimi ustvarjalci na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti (Maja Delak, Magdalena Reiter, Matevž Dobaj, kolekitv M O N S T R A,..). Je prejemnica nagrade Ksenje Hribar 2019 za scenografsko delo na področju sodobne plesne umetnosti.
Kot koreografinja je več let delovala v Schauspiel Frankfurtu, ples je poučevala v KD Qulenium, studiu Dansa, seminarji JSKD, Schauspiel Frankfurt,… V času magistrskega študija je začela dolgoletni projekt Imagination of Expectations, ki je rezultiral v triologiji: vizulani instalaciji Net in Work (2012), plesnem perfromansu String Theory (2014) in raziskovalnem performansu Avdicija za producente (2015-…). Od leta 2014 je svoj umetniški fokus usmerila na dve ciljni skupini; plesne predstave za otroke in mlade (Od kapljice do oceana, Čigumitvist, Iceberg _ the giant,…) ter umetniško androgoške procese s predstavniki tretjega življenjskega obdobja, s serijo projektov študije družbene koreografije v III. življenjskem obodbju (Jata izkušenih ptic, Jata izkušenih letalcev,…).
Njena specifika je, da projektom začrta celostne koncepte, ki zaobjemajo koreografijo in oblikovanje (likovna zasnova, prostor, kostumi) s tem ustvarja poseben jezik in metodologijo ustvarjalnega procesa. Omenjene kvalitete se vpisujejo v originalnih predstavah, katerih kvaliteto vse bolj prepoznava tudi širša mednarodna strokovna javnost. Potrjujejo jo gostovanja in nagrade. V letu 2019 je zaživel zavod Odprti predali, zavod za sodobne interdisciplinarne procese, Kranj.
več: http://ski.emanat.si/ajda-tomazin/
Ajda Tomazin, koreografinja in oblikovalka, je leta 2005 zaključila umetniško gimnazijo za sodobni ples na SVŠGL, leta 2011 je na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani diplomirala pri mag. Tanji Pak in mag. Milanu Eriču. Leta 2010 je eno leto vzporedno študirala filmsko in televizijsko montažo na AGRFT, naslednje leto pa jo je potegnilo nazaj v uprizoritvene umetnosti in se zato odpravila na študij na Inštitut za Aplikativne gledališke znanosti na Univerzi v Giessnu v Nemčiji, kjer je leta 2014 zaključila magistrski študij Koreografije in performansa pri prof. dr. Bojani Kunst. V času akademskega študija in po njem je s svojimi deli (fotografija, video, keramika in unikatno oblikovanje) sodelovala na številnih skupinskih in samostojnih razstavah. Kot oblikovalka kostumov in/ali prostora je sodelovala s številnimi ustvarjalci na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti (Maja Delak, Magdalena Reiter, Matevž Dobaj, kolekitv M O N S T R A,..). Je prejemnica nagrade Ksenje Hribar 2019 za scenografsko delo na področju sodobne plesne umetnosti.
Kot koreografinja je več let delovala v Schauspiel Frankfurtu, ples je poučevala v KD Qulenium, studiu Dansa, seminarji JSKD, Schauspiel Frankfurt,… V času magistrskega študija je začela dolgoletni projekt Imagination of Expectations, ki je rezultiral v triologiji: vizulani instalaciji Net in Work (2012), plesnem perfromansu String Theory (2014) in raziskovalnem performansu Avdicija za producente (2015-…). Od leta 2014 je svoj umetniški fokus usmerila na dve ciljni skupini; plesne predstave za otroke in mlade (Od kapljice do oceana, Čigumitvist, Iceberg _ the giant,…) ter umetniško androgoške procese s predstavniki tretjega življenjskega obdobja, s serijo projektov študije družbene koreografije v III. življenjskem obodbju (Jata izkušenih ptic, Jata izkušenih letalcev,…).
Njena specifika je, da projektom začrta celostne koncepte, ki zaobjemajo koreografijo in oblikovanje (likovna zasnova, prostor, kostumi) s tem ustvarja poseben jezik in metodologijo ustvarjalnega procesa. Omenjene kvalitete se vpisujejo v originalnih predstavah, katerih kvaliteto vse bolj prepoznava tudi širša mednarodna strokovna javnost. Potrjujejo jo gostovanja in nagrade. V letu 2019 je zaživel zavod Odprti predali, zavod za sodobne interdisciplinarne procese, Kranj.
več: http://ski.emanat.si/ajda-tomazin/
Ajda Tomazin, choreographer and designer, graduated from the Art High School (SVŠGL) in Contemporary Dance in 2005, and in 2011 earned her Bachelor’s Degree from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana under the guidance of Tanja Pak, MA, and Milan Erič, MA. In 2010 she studied film and television editing at AGRFT (Academy of Theatre, Film, and Television, Ljubljana), parallel to her regular studies. The following year she was drawn back to the performing arts and left to study at the Institute for Applied Theatre Sciences at the University of Giessen in Germany, where she completed her Master’s Degree in 2014, in Choreography and Performance with Professor Dr. Bojana Kunst. During and after her academic studies she participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions with her works – photography, video, ceramics, and unique design. As a costume and/or space designer, she has collaborated with many artists in the field of performing arts: Maja Delak, Magdalena Reiter, Matevž Dobaj, M O N S T R A collective,… She is the recipient of the Ksenija Hribar Award 2019 for her scenografic work in the field of contemporary dance.
In the role of choreographer, she worked for a number of years at Schauspiel Frankfurt. She has taught dance at KD Qulenium, studio Dansa, JSKD seminars, Schauspiel Frankfurt,… During her Masters studies she initiated a long-term project under the title Imagination of Expectations, which resulted in a trilogy: the visual installations Net in Work (2012), the dance performance String Theory (2014), and the research performance Audition for Producers (2015-…). Since 2014, her artistic focus is on two target groups: dance performances for children and young people (From Droplets to the Ocean; Chewgumitwist; Iceberg _ the giant..) as well as artistic-andragogical processes with elder people, with a series of social choreography study projects (Flock of Experienced Birds; Flock of Experienced Flyers…).
Specific to her work is that her project outlines integrate concepts that encompass both choreography and design (visual design, space, costume), thus creating a specific language and methodology of the creative process. These qualities inscribe themselves within the original performances, the quality of which has been increasingly recognized by the wider international professional public, and which has been confirmed by invitations and awards. In 2019, the Open Drawers Institute, the institute for contemporary interdisciplinary processes (zavod Odprti predali), Kranj, has been founded.
more: http://ski.emanat.si/ajda-tomazin/
Ajda Tomazin, choreographer and designer, graduated from the Art High School (SVŠGL) in Contemporary Dance in 2005, and in 2011 earned her Bachelor’s Degree from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana under the guidance of Tanja Pak, MA, and Milan Erič, MA. In 2010 she studied film and television editing at AGRFT (Academy of Theatre, Film, and Television, Ljubljana), parallel to her regular studies. The following year she was drawn back to the performing arts and left to study at the Institute for Applied Theatre Sciences at the University of Giessen in Germany, where she completed her Master’s Degree in 2014, in Choreography and Performance with Professor Dr. Bojana Kunst. During and after her academic studies she participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions with her works – photography, video, ceramics, and unique design. As a costume and/or space designer, she has collaborated with many artists in the field of performing arts: Maja Delak, Magdalena Reiter, Matevž Dobaj, M O N S T R A collective,… She is the recipient of the Ksenija Hribar Award 2019 for her scenografic work in the field of contemporary dance.
In the role of choreographer, she worked for a number of years at Schauspiel Frankfurt. She has taught dance at KD Qulenium, studio Dansa, JSKD seminars, Schauspiel Frankfurt,… During her Masters studies she initiated a long-term project under the title Imagination of Expectations, which resulted in a trilogy: the visual installations Net in Work (2012), the dance performance String Theory (2014), and the research performance Audition for Producers (2015-…). Since 2014, her artistic focus is on two target groups: dance performances for children and young people (From Droplets to the Ocean; Chewgumitwist; Iceberg _ the giant..) as well as artistic-andragogical processes with elder people, with a series of social choreography study projects (Flock of Experienced Birds; Flock of Experienced Flyers…).
Specific to her work is that her project outlines integrate concepts that encompass both choreography and design (visual design, space, costume), thus creating a specific language and methodology of the creative process. These qualities inscribe themselves within the original performances, the quality of which has been increasingly recognized by the wider international professional public, and which has been confirmed by invitations and awards. In 2019, the Open Drawers Institute, the institute for contemporary interdisciplinary processes (zavod Odprti predali), Kranj, has been founded.
more: http://ski.emanat.si/ajda-tomazin/