Beno Novak
Benovo delo je nenehno raziskovanje osebnih izkušenj, izraženih skozi močno fizičnost, pomešano z občutljivostjo, krhkostjo, močjo in izčrpanostjo.
Beno je leta 2016 diplomiral na Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in bil kasneje povabljen, da svoje znanje nadgradi na Tisch Dance Department (New York University) in The Place Dance Academy (London).
Plesal je za veliko različnih kompanij in s številnimi priznanimi umetniki. V Londonu je plesal za Gary Clarke Company, Jason Mabana Dance in James Wilton Dance Company ter sodeloval s koreografi, kot so Matej Kejžar, Alix Eynaudi, Paul Blackman & Christine Gouzelis, Ricardo Ambrozio, Zsuzsa Rozsavolgyi, Etienne Guilloteau idr. Veliko njegovih del je narejenih v sodelovanju z drugimi umetniki, kot je duet "400 Rabbits" z Marino Abib, solo "Owe" Juniorja Mufutaua Jussufa, "::Narava::Dialog::" z Dragano Alfirovič, "Body Concert " z Ano Romih in drugimi.
Je umetniški in izvršni direktor festivala Summer Intensive Portugal in festivala Kalejdoskop v Sloveniji. Ena njegovih glavnih zavez je deljenje/poučevanje in razvoj njegove metode Zero Space.
Benovo delo je nenehno raziskovanje osebnih izkušenj, izraženih skozi močno fizičnost, pomešano z občutljivostjo, krhkostjo, močjo in izčrpanostjo.
Beno je leta 2016 diplomiral na Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in bil kasneje povabljen, da svoje znanje nadgradi na Tisch Dance Department (New York University) in The Place Dance Academy (London).
Plesal je za veliko različnih kompanij in s številnimi priznanimi umetniki. V Londonu je plesal za Gary Clarke Company, Jason Mabana Dance in James Wilton Dance Company ter sodeloval s koreografi, kot so Matej Kejžar, Alix Eynaudi, Paul Blackman & Christine Gouzelis, Ricardo Ambrozio, Zsuzsa Rozsavolgyi, Etienne Guilloteau idr. Veliko njegovih del je narejenih v sodelovanju z drugimi umetniki, kot je duet "400 Rabbits" z Marino Abib, solo "Owe" Juniorja Mufutaua Jussufa, "::Narava::Dialog::" z Dragano Alfirovič, "Body Concert " z Ano Romih in drugimi.
Je umetniški in izvršni direktor festivala Summer Intensive Portugal in festivala Kalejdoskop v Sloveniji. Ena njegovih glavnih zavez je deljenje/poučevanje in razvoj njegove metode Zero Space.
Beno's work is a constant exploration of personal experiences expressed through a strong physicality, mixed with sensitivity, fragility, power, and exhaustion.
Beno graduated from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in 2016 and was later invited to upgrade his knowledge at the Tisch Dance Department (New York University) and at The Place Dance Academy (London).
He has danced for many different companies and with many renowned artists. In London, he has danced for the Gary Clarke Company, Jason Mabana Dance, and James Wilton Dance Company. He has danced for choreographers like Matej Kejžar, Alix Eynaudi, Paul Blackman & Christine Gouzelis, Ricardo Ambrozio, Zsuzsa Rozsavolgyi, Etienne Guilloteau, and others. Much of his work is done in collaboration with other artists such as the duet "400 Rabbits" with Marina Abib, the solo "Owe" by Junior Mufutau Jussuf, "::Narava::Dialog::" with Dragana Alfirovič, "Body Concert" with Ana Romih, and others.
He is the artistic and executive director of the Summer Intensive Festival Portugal as well as the Kolejdoskop festival in Slovenia. One of his main commitments is the sharing/teaching and the development of his Zero Space method.
Beno's work is a constant exploration of personal experiences expressed through a strong physicality, mixed with sensitivity, fragility, power, and exhaustion.
Beno graduated from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in 2016 and was later invited to upgrade his knowledge at the Tisch Dance Department (New York University) and at The Place Dance Academy (London).
He has danced for many different companies and with many renowned artists. In London, he has danced for the Gary Clarke Company, Jason Mabana Dance, and James Wilton Dance Company. He has danced for choreographers like Matej Kejžar, Alix Eynaudi, Paul Blackman & Christine Gouzelis, Ricardo Ambrozio, Zsuzsa Rozsavolgyi, Etienne Guilloteau, and others. Much of his work is done in collaboration with other artists such as the duet "400 Rabbits" with Marina Abib, the solo "Owe" by Junior Mufutau Jussuf, "::Narava::Dialog::" with Dragana Alfirovič, "Body Concert" with Ana Romih, and others.
He is the artistic and executive director of the Summer Intensive Festival Portugal as well as the Kolejdoskop festival in Slovenia. One of his main commitments is the sharing/teaching and the development of his Zero Space method.