Dejan Srhoj
Dejan Srhoj (1978) je neodvisen performer, ki deluje na področju sodobnega plesa. Trenutno dela na dolgoročnem projektu Kompozicije razlik, v katerem preko plesnih improvizacij, deljenja praks in izobraževanja razvija koreografske principe, ki se tičejo skupnosti.
Ker je spoznal, da robot lahko v njem vzbudi čustva, je na Švedskem ustvaril predstavo za robota Naa, ki govori, pleše in misli.
Od leta 2001 je neodvisni umetnik, soustanovitelj Fičo Baleta, v okviru katerega je z Goranom Bogdanovskim kot plesalec ali avtor sodeloval v mnogih predstavah. Je soustanovitelj in aktivni član regionalne mreže Nomad Dance Academy.
Kot performer je sodeloval v plesno-gledaliških projektih z Janezom Janšo, Ivico Buljanom, Sebastjanom Horvatom, Betontancem, Magdaleno Reiter, Silvanom Omerzujem, Kajo Lorenci, Snježano Premuš in drugimi.
Pred tem je med letoma 1998 in 2001 kot baletni solist plesal v SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana. V treh letih angažmaja je plesal predvsem glavne vloge v klasičnih baletih, na primer Princa v Labodjem jezeru.
Kot plesni pedagog že več sezon vodi improvizacijske treninge Kompozicije razlik, ob tem pa z Nino Božič doma in v tujini vodi delavnice Arts & Business. V okviru mreže NDA na delavnicah »CoTeaching« ter plesnih treningih »Teaching without a teacher« raziskuje inovativne metode poučevanje.
Leta 2008 je diplomiral na Open University v Londonu – (BA in Humanities).
→ Podrobnejša biografija
Dejan Srhoj (1978) je neodvisen performer, ki deluje na področju sodobnega plesa. Trenutno dela na dolgoročnem projektu Kompozicije razlik, v katerem preko plesnih improvizacij, deljenja praks in izobraževanja razvija koreografske principe, ki se tičejo skupnosti.
Ker je spoznal, da robot lahko v njem vzbudi čustva, je na Švedskem ustvaril predstavo za robota Naa, ki govori, pleše in misli.
Od leta 2001 je neodvisni umetnik, soustanovitelj Fičo Baleta, v okviru katerega je z Goranom Bogdanovskim kot plesalec ali avtor sodeloval v mnogih predstavah. Je soustanovitelj in aktivni član regionalne mreže Nomad Dance Academy.
Kot performer je sodeloval v plesno-gledaliških projektih z Janezom Janšo, Ivico Buljanom, Sebastjanom Horvatom, Betontancem, Magdaleno Reiter, Silvanom Omerzujem, Kajo Lorenci, Snježano Premuš in drugimi.
Pred tem je med letoma 1998 in 2001 kot baletni solist plesal v SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana. V treh letih angažmaja je plesal predvsem glavne vloge v klasičnih baletih, na primer Princa v Labodjem jezeru.
Kot plesni pedagog že več sezon vodi improvizacijske treninge Kompozicije razlik, ob tem pa z Nino Božič doma in v tujini vodi delavnice Arts & Business. V okviru mreže NDA na delavnicah »CoTeaching« ter plesnih treningih »Teaching without a teacher« raziskuje inovativne metode poučevanje.
Leta 2008 je diplomiral na Open University v Londonu – (BA in Humanities).
→ Podrobnejša biografija
Dejan Srhoj (1978) is an independent performer working in contemporary dance. He is currently developing the long term project Composing Differences in which, through improvisations, the sharing of practices, and education he explores choreographic principles that deal with community.
Realizing that a robot can awaken emotions, Dejan created a performance in Sweden for the robot Nao who speaks, dances, and thinks.
Since 2001 he works as a freelancer, and is one of the establishing members of Fičo Balet, in the frame of which, together with Goran Bogdanovski, he has performed or collaborated on many performances. He is co-founder and active member of regional Nomad Dance Academy network.
As a performer he has also worked on projects with Janez Janša, Ivica Buljan, Sebastijan Horvat, Betontanc, Magdalena Reiter, Silvan Omerzu, Kaja Lorenci, Snježana Premuš and others.
Before that, between 1998 and 2001 he was a soloist at the SNG Opera and Ballet in Ljubljana. In his three years there he mainly danced main roles, for example the Prince in Swan Lake.
As a pedagogue in dance he leads a regular training in improvisation under the name Composing Differences for a number of years already. With Nina Božič he teaches Arts & Business workshops, in Slovenia and abroad. Within the frame of the NDA network, he researches innovative teaching methods through workshops and trainings such as »CoTeaching« and »Teaching without a teacher«.
In 2008 he has graduated at the Open University in London - (BA in Humanities)
Dejan Srhoj (1978) is an independent performer working in contemporary dance. He is currently developing the long term project Composing Differences in which, through improvisations, the sharing of practices, and education he explores choreographic principles that deal with community.
Realizing that a robot can awaken emotions, Dejan created a performance in Sweden for the robot Nao who speaks, dances, and thinks.
Since 2001 he works as a freelancer, and is one of the establishing members of Fičo Balet, in the frame of which, together with Goran Bogdanovski, he has performed or collaborated on many performances. He is co-founder and active member of regional Nomad Dance Academy network.
As a performer he has also worked on projects with Janez Janša, Ivica Buljan, Sebastijan Horvat, Betontanc, Magdalena Reiter, Silvan Omerzu, Kaja Lorenci, Snježana Premuš and others.
Before that, between 1998 and 2001 he was a soloist at the SNG Opera and Ballet in Ljubljana. In his three years there he mainly danced main roles, for example the Prince in Swan Lake.
As a pedagogue in dance he leads a regular training in improvisation under the name Composing Differences for a number of years already. With Nina Božič he teaches Arts & Business workshops, in Slovenia and abroad. Within the frame of the NDA network, he researches innovative teaching methods through workshops and trainings such as »CoTeaching« and »Teaching without a teacher«.
In 2008 he has graduated at the Open University in London - (BA in Humanities)