Ljudje / People

Goran Injac
Goranj Injac
je kurator uprizoritvenih umetnosti, dramaturg, predavatelj in raziskovalec.
Je avtor številnih člankov, kritik in esejev, ki so bili objavljeni v poljskih, srbskih in drugih mednarodnih revijah o umetnosti ter gledališču. Kot neodvisni kurator je sodeloval z različnimi mednarodnimi gledališči in umetniškimi festivali, inštituti ter repertoarnimi in neodvisnimi gledališči. Bil je tudi eden izmed kuratorjev EEPAP (East European Performing Arts Platform). Med leti 2012 in 2014 je kuriral mednarodne projekte ter spremljevalni program gledališča Narodowy Stary Teatr v Krakovu. Od oktobra 2014 je umetniški direktor Slovenskega Mladinskega Gledališča v Ljubljani.
Goranj Injac
je kurator uprizoritvenih umetnosti, dramaturg, predavatelj in raziskovalec.
Je avtor številnih člankov, kritik in esejev, ki so bili objavljeni v poljskih, srbskih in drugih mednarodnih revijah o umetnosti ter gledališču. Kot neodvisni kurator je sodeloval z različnimi mednarodnimi gledališči in umetniškimi festivali, inštituti ter repertoarnimi in neodvisnimi gledališči. Bil je tudi eden izmed kuratorjev EEPAP (East European Performing Arts Platform). Med leti 2012 in 2014 je kuriral mednarodne projekte ter spremljevalni program gledališča Narodowy Stary Teatr v Krakovu. Od oktobra 2014 je umetniški direktor Slovenskega Mladinskega Gledališča v Ljubljani.
Goran Injac,
performing arts curator, dramaturg, lecturer and researcher.
The author of numerous articles, critiques and essays in Polish, Serbian and international theatre and art journals. As a freelance curator he cooperated with different international theatre and art festivals, institutes, repertory theaters and independent theatre companies. He was one of the curators of the East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP). In 2012/2014 he curated International Projects and Side Programme in the National Stary Theatre, Cracow, Poland. Since October 2014 - the artistic director of the Mladinsko Theatre in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Goran Injac,
performing arts curator, dramaturg, lecturer and researcher.
The author of numerous articles, critiques and essays in Polish, Serbian and international theatre and art journals. As a freelance curator he cooperated with different international theatre and art festivals, institutes, repertory theaters and independent theatre companies. He was one of the curators of the East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP). In 2012/2014 he curated International Projects and Side Programme in the National Stary Theatre, Cracow, Poland. Since October 2014 - the artistic director of the Mladinsko Theatre in Ljubljana, Slovenia.