Koprodukcije in gostovanja / Coproductions and Touring

Kot so rime z ne /  Such as Rhymes with Non


Kot so rime z ne v obliki predstave-eseja raziskuje uprizoritve neuvrščenosti in neuvrščene koreografije. Ana Dubljević (Srbija), Viktorija Ilioska (Makedonija), Dražen Dragojević (Slovenija) in Sonja Pregrad (Hrvaška) so zadnji dve leti zbrani v modularnem koreografsko-raziskovalnem projektu NAM ChoreoLab, ki se ukvarja z zgodovinskimi in osebnimi nasledstvi Gibanja neuvrščenih. Ob tej priložnosti v prostoru Katedrale aktivirajo spekulativni verz, spektralni video, razklenjeni ples, koreografirani pogovor, dispozitiv zborovanja in arhiv gest za prihodnost.

Dramaturgija: Ivana Ivković
Video in vizualije: Thilo Garus
Kostumi: Tea Kantoci
Zvok: Jasmin Mahmić
Luč: TBC
Produkcija: Objekt plesa / Object of dance
Asistentka produkcije: Ivana Korpar

Koprodukcija: Muzej sodobne umetnosti Zagreb, Antisezona 2, Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška, Nomad Dance Academy Slovenij, Lokomotiva – Center za novo pobudo v umetnosti in kulturi Skopje

Rezidenčna podpora:, Plesni center TALA / TALA PLE(j), Multimedijski inštitut - MaMa, Center kulture na Peščenici KNAP

Realizirano s finančno podporo Mesta Zagreb, Ministrstva za kulturo in medije Republike Hrvaške, Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Severne Makedonije, Stanice Servisa za sodobni ples v okviru projekta Dance On, Pass On, Dream On in Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija v okviru projekta (Non)Aligned Movements, ki ju financira program Evropske unije Ustvarjalna Evropa.

Zahvaljujemo se Nomad Dance Academy in projektu (Non)Aligned Movements, Stanici Servisu za sodobni ples in festivalu Kondenz, Tanzfabrik Berlin in programu Poletne šole To Keep In Touch..., 35. grafičnemu bienalu Ljubljana, Vierte Welt in Partizanskemu festivalu ter Zavodu Melara za podporo pri razvoju tega projekta v preteklih dveh letih.


Such as Rhymes with Non, through the form of a performance essay, explores stagings of non-alignment and non-aligned choreography. Ana Dubljević (Serbia), Viktorija Ilioska (Macedonia), Dražen Dragojević (Slovenia) and Sonja Pregrad (Croatia) have been gathered for the last two years in the modular choreography research project NAM ChoreoLab, which deals with the historical and personal lineages of the Non-Aligned Movement. On this occasion, in the space of Gorgona, they activate speculative verse, spectral video, disjointed dance, choreographed conversation, dispositif of assembling, and an archive of gestures for the future.

Dramaturgy: Ivana Ivković
Video and visuals: Thilo Garus
Costumes: Tea Kantoci
Sound: Jasmin Mahmić
Light: TBC
Production: Objekt plesa / Object of dance
Assistant producer: Ivana Korpar

Coproduction: Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Antisezona 2, Centre for Urban Culture Kino Šiška, Nomad Dance Academy Sloveni, Lokomotiva – Centre for New Initiative in Arts and Culture Skopje

Residential support: Dance center TALA / TALA PLE(j), Multimedia Institute - MaMa, Center for Culture at Peščenica KNAP
Realized with the financial support by the City of Zagreb, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia, Station Service for Contemporary Dance as part of the project Dance On, Pass On, Dream On, and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia as part of the project (Non)Aligned Movements, both funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

We thank Nomad Dance Academy and the project (Non)Aligned Movements, Station Service for Contemporary Dance and Kondenz Festival, Tanzfabrik Berlin and the Summer School programme To Keep In Touch…, 35th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts, Vierte Welt and Partisan Festival, and Zavod Melara for the support in the development of this project in the past two years.
