Torvald Silver & Tehvan Ratsanik

Foto Mariano Marini
Obed je raziskovalni in razvojni projekt, ki se ukvarja z integracijo glasu, diha, giba, domišljije in pripovedovanja zgodb v uprizoritveno dejanje. V sodelovanju s povabljenimi umetniki se v njem urita Torvald Silver in Tehvan Ratsanik, ki sta ga leta 2008 tudi zastavila.
Tkivo uprizoritvenih elementov se v predstavo umešča na hologramski način. Kot pri hologramu, v katerem vsak delček vsebuje celotno podobo, tudi posamezno uprizoritveno dejanje vsebuje plasti akumuliranega časa. To v predstavi sprosti način, kako se proizvaja kompozicija, koreografija, pomen, pripoved. S tem se približa logiki doživljanja sprejemnika takega dogodka.
Skozi ciklus srečanj sva v zadnjih letih raziskovanja dokumentirala več kot 200 ur materiala s ciljem, da se oblikuje sam, brez želje, da bi kot avtorja »od zunaj« nasilno odločala o njegovi formi in določala katerekoli točke njegovega oblikovanja. Torej gre bolj za opazovanje, zaznavanje, detektiranje dogajanja, za artikulacijo in aktualizacijo tega, kar že je, kot odločanje o smereh izvedbe. Predstava sloni na preizpraševanju improvizacije kot medija in določanja opornih točk izvedbe.
Obed je razvil orodja, ki temeljijo na dolgoletnih izkušnjah vseh sodelujočih. Je demokratični horizontalni prostor ustvarjanja novih krajin in novih estetik, ki slonijo na produkcijskih pogojih in interesu za razvoj lastne prakse, bolj kot na reprezentaciji določenih tem.
Avtorja in izvajalca: Torvald Silver & Tehvan Ratsanik
Gostje: Primož Bončina, Irena Tomažin, Marko Batista, Nhandan Chirco
Produkcija in izvršna producenta: Gregor Kamnikar & Dragana Alfirević
Koprodukcija: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, Federacija, Društvo za razvoj gledališča v izobraževanju, YANVII, Laboratorio dell’Imperfetto
Tkivo uprizoritvenih elementov se v predstavo umešča na hologramski način. Kot pri hologramu, v katerem vsak delček vsebuje celotno podobo, tudi posamezno uprizoritveno dejanje vsebuje plasti akumuliranega časa. To v predstavi sprosti način, kako se proizvaja kompozicija, koreografija, pomen, pripoved. S tem se približa logiki doživljanja sprejemnika takega dogodka.
Skozi ciklus srečanj sva v zadnjih letih raziskovanja dokumentirala več kot 200 ur materiala s ciljem, da se oblikuje sam, brez želje, da bi kot avtorja »od zunaj« nasilno odločala o njegovi formi in določala katerekoli točke njegovega oblikovanja. Torej gre bolj za opazovanje, zaznavanje, detektiranje dogajanja, za artikulacijo in aktualizacijo tega, kar že je, kot odločanje o smereh izvedbe. Predstava sloni na preizpraševanju improvizacije kot medija in določanja opornih točk izvedbe.
Obed je razvil orodja, ki temeljijo na dolgoletnih izkušnjah vseh sodelujočih. Je demokratični horizontalni prostor ustvarjanja novih krajin in novih estetik, ki slonijo na produkcijskih pogojih in interesu za razvoj lastne prakse, bolj kot na reprezentaciji določenih tem.
Avtorja in izvajalca: Torvald Silver & Tehvan Ratsanik
Gostje: Primož Bončina, Irena Tomažin, Marko Batista, Nhandan Chirco
Produkcija in izvršna producenta: Gregor Kamnikar & Dragana Alfirević
Koprodukcija: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, Federacija, Društvo za razvoj gledališča v izobraževanju, YANVII, Laboratorio dell’Imperfetto

Foto: Sunčan Stone
Obed is a research project focused on integrating voice, breath, movement, imagination, and storytelling into a performative act. It was initiated in 2008 by Torvald Silver and Tehvan Ratsanik, who also invite other artists into collaboration.
The flesh of the performative elements inserts itself into the performance in the manner of a hologram. Just as with a hologram, in which each particle contains the whole image, each performance also contains layers of accumulated time. This eases the ways in which composition, choreography, meaning, and narrative are produced in the performance and approaches the logic of the experience of an audience in such an event.
Through a cycle of meetings over the last years of this research, we have documented more than 200 hours of material with the goal that it shapes itself, without any desire to forcefully decide on its form nor to determine any part of its design whatsoever, as its authors, 'from the outside'. So in terms of deciding the direction of the performance, it is more about observing, perceiving, detecting what is happening, for the articulation and actualization of that which alreadyis. The performance is based on the questioning of improvisation as a medium and identifying the supporting points of its emanation.
Obed has developed tools which are based on the years of experience of all involved. It is a democratic and horizontal space for the creation of new landscapes and new aesthetics based on the conditions of production and an interest in developing one's own practice, rather than on the representations of certain themes.
Authors and performers: Torvald Silver and Tehvan Ratsanik
Guests: Primož Bončina, Irena Tomažin, Marko Batista, Nhandan Chirco
Production and executive producers: Gregor Kamnikar and Dragana Alfirević
Coproduction: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, Federacija, Društvo za razvoj gledališča v izobraževanju, YANVII, Laboratorio dell’Imperfetto
The flesh of the performative elements inserts itself into the performance in the manner of a hologram. Just as with a hologram, in which each particle contains the whole image, each performance also contains layers of accumulated time. This eases the ways in which composition, choreography, meaning, and narrative are produced in the performance and approaches the logic of the experience of an audience in such an event.
Through a cycle of meetings over the last years of this research, we have documented more than 200 hours of material with the goal that it shapes itself, without any desire to forcefully decide on its form nor to determine any part of its design whatsoever, as its authors, 'from the outside'. So in terms of deciding the direction of the performance, it is more about observing, perceiving, detecting what is happening, for the articulation and actualization of that which alreadyis. The performance is based on the questioning of improvisation as a medium and identifying the supporting points of its emanation.
Obed has developed tools which are based on the years of experience of all involved. It is a democratic and horizontal space for the creation of new landscapes and new aesthetics based on the conditions of production and an interest in developing one's own practice, rather than on the representations of certain themes.
Authors and performers: Torvald Silver and Tehvan Ratsanik
Guests: Primož Bončina, Irena Tomažin, Marko Batista, Nhandan Chirco
Production and executive producers: Gregor Kamnikar and Dragana Alfirević
Coproduction: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, Federacija, Društvo za razvoj gledališča v izobraževanju, YANVII, Laboratorio dell’Imperfetto