Dejan Srhoj
Robot Nao

Foto: Urška Boljkovac
Robot Nao je instalacija – predstava, kjer robota Naa srečamo v sodobnem vsakdanjem okolju, v katerem nas gosti in v izpovednem žanru z nami podeli tegobe in radosti, kakršnih smo običajno vajeni pri svojih prijateljih in sosedih.
Avtor robotu podeli nekakšno sodobno obliko romantične identitete ter s tem ponovi gesto, ki jo v zgodovini fantastične literature prva opravi Mary Shelley v Frankensteinu, morda le z blagim ironičnim in humornim zasukom. Srhoja zanima prav tisti hipotetični zasuk, pri katerem se tehnofobija profanira in kjer robot pridobi človeško subjektiviteto, vključno z vsemi bizarnostmi, ki so ji po navadi prisojene.
Robot Nao je instalacija – predstava, kjer robota Naa srečamo v sodobnem vsakdanjem okolju, v katerem nas gosti in v izpovednem žanru z nami podeli tegobe in radosti, kakršnih smo običajno vajeni pri svojih prijateljih in sosedih.
Avtor robotu podeli nekakšno sodobno obliko romantične identitete ter s tem ponovi gesto, ki jo v zgodovini fantastične literature prva opravi Mary Shelley v Frankensteinu, morda le z blagim ironičnim in humornim zasukom. Srhoja zanima prav tisti hipotetični zasuk, pri katerem se tehnofobija profanira in kjer robot pridobi človeško subjektiviteto, vključno z vsemi bizarnostmi, ki so ji po navadi prisojene.
Robot Nao is an installation-performance in which we meet the robot Nao and are welcomed into a contemporary, everyday environment. In a confessional genre, he shares with us his worries and joys in the same way a friend or neighbor might do.
The author bestows the robot with a contemporary form of a romantic identity, thus repeating the first such gesture made in the history of the fantasy literary genre, by Mary Shelley with Frankenstein, though perhaps with only a slightly ironic and humorous twist this time. Srhoj is interested exactly in the hypothetical twist in which technophobia becomes profane and the robot acquires a human subjectivity, including all the bizarreness that it is usually accused of.
Robot Nao is an installation-performance in which we meet the robot Nao and are welcomed into a contemporary, everyday environment. In a confessional genre, he shares with us his worries and joys in the same way a friend or neighbor might do.
The author bestows the robot with a contemporary form of a romantic identity, thus repeating the first such gesture made in the history of the fantasy literary genre, by Mary Shelley with Frankenstein, though perhaps with only a slightly ironic and humorous twist this time. Srhoj is interested exactly in the hypothetical twist in which technophobia becomes profane and the robot acquires a human subjectivity, including all the bizarreness that it is usually accused of.
Avtor / Author: Dejan Srhoj
v sodelovanju z / in collaboration with
Scenarij / Script: Slobodan Maksimović, Dejan Srhoj
Programiranje robota Naa/ Nao Robot Programing: Vid Podpečan
Scenografija / Set Design: Teo Kajzer, Sara Slivnik
Konstrukcija Naovega doma / Construction of Nao’s Home: Jaka Mihelič
Produkcija / Produced by: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija
Koprodukcija / Co-Produced by: Kino Šiška & CoFestival
Podpora / Supported by: Inštitut Jožef Stefan in program Kreativna Evropa Evropske Unije/Creative Europe Programme of the EU, projekt DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON.
Robot NAO je bil prvotno razvit za projekt INNODAY pri Expectrum na Švedskem. Posebna zahvala projektni vodji Nini Božič / “Nao, the Robot” was initially developed for the INNODAY project at Expectrum in Sweden. Special thanks to Nina Božič, project leader.
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v sodelovanju z / in collaboration with
Scenarij / Script: Slobodan Maksimović, Dejan Srhoj
Programiranje robota Naa/ Nao Robot Programing: Vid Podpečan
Scenografija / Set Design: Teo Kajzer, Sara Slivnik
Konstrukcija Naovega doma / Construction of Nao’s Home: Jaka Mihelič
Produkcija / Produced by: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija
Koprodukcija / Co-Produced by: Kino Šiška & CoFestival
Podpora / Supported by: Inštitut Jožef Stefan in program Kreativna Evropa Evropske Unije/Creative Europe Programme of the EU, projekt DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON.
Robot NAO je bil prvotno razvit za projekt INNODAY pri Expectrum na Švedskem. Posebna zahvala projektni vodji Nini Božič / “Nao, the Robot” was initially developed for the INNODAY project at Expectrum in Sweden. Special thanks to Nina Božič, project leader.
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