Kaja Lorenci
STABAT. Biti ganjen. /
STABAT. To Be Moved.
Foto: Petra Veber
"Najhrupnejši trenutek v človeku lahko za drugega ostane neopazen. Če pa skupaj prisluhnemo tistemu, kar slišimo, ko ni slišati ničesar (ko se molči), se morda izriše na obrazu, zavibrira v gesti, da ton mišičju. Tišina in glasba imata nekaj skupnega. Navzočnost, ki se ne vidi, se razprostira, pa vendar je blizu, tako blizu, da jo lahko začutimo kot lastno telo. Kako nas glasba gane in s katerimi sredstvi lahko stanje ganotja (ganiti, ganiti se) prevedem v specifičen uprizoritveni jezik? Ples ima namreč sposobnost, da razkrije tisto, kar je v glasbi nedoumljivega, kar nas »premika« nekje od znotraj, ter hkrati to prednost, da je človeški in otipljiv. Glasba pa je tista, ki uvaja zakasnitev v takojšnjost oziroma ima sposobnost, da podaljša, raztegne trenutek v dogodek. Lahko oči postanejo ušesa in obratno? V zadnjem času me glasba gane pogosteje. Potrebujem jo, da me gane. Daje mi občutek, da se premikam skozi svojo gosto tišino, ki jo težko ubesedim." Kaja Lorenci
Avtorstvo in izvedba: Kaja Lorenci
Oblikovanje prostora, kostuma in luči: Petra Veber
Glasba: Žigan Krajnčan (vokal), Kristijan Krajnčan (violončelo)
Producent: DUM društvo umetnikov
Koproducenti: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, WorkShop Fundation
Projekt podpirajo: Mestna občina Ljubljana – Oddelek za kulturo, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Ustvarjalna Evropa (Life Long Burning)
Zahvala: Pipa Lorenci, Jakob Lorenci, Jernej Lorenci
»The loudest moment in a person's life can go unnoticed by another. But if we listen together to what we hear when there is nothing to hear (when there is silence), it might be etched on the face, it might vibrate in the gesture, it might set the tone of the muscles. Silence and music have something in common. A presence that cannot be seen, that spreads out, yet is close, so close that we can feel it as if it were our own body. How does music move us and what means can I use to translate the state of being affected (to affect, to be affected) into a specific performance language? Dance has the ability to reveal what is incomprehensible in music, what »moves« us from somewhere inside, and at the same time has the advantage of being human and tangible. It is music that introduces a delay into the immediacy, or has the capacity to prolong, to elongate the moment into an event. Can eyes become ears and vice versa? Recently, I’ve been moved by music more often. I need it to move me. It gives me the feeling of moving through my own dense silence, which I find hard to articulate.« Kaja Lorenci
Creation and performance: Kaja Lorenci
Set, costume and lighting design: Petra Veber
Music: Žigan Krajnčan (vocal), Kristijan Krajnčan (cello)
Producer: DUM Artists’ Association
Co-producers: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, WorkShop Fundation
The project is supported by: City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Creative Europe (Life Long Burning)
With thanks: Pipa Lorenci, Jakob Lorenci, Jernej Lorenci