Publikacije / Publications


Sedanjost, publikacija Nomad Dance Academy za 2011/2012

Izbrali in uredili Dragana Alfirević, Biljana Tanurovska Kjulakovski

V tej knjigi umetniki, organizatorji, pisci, programerji in občinstvo regionalne mreže Nomad Dance Academy, ki so skupaj s povabljenimi prijatelji delovali v mreži leta 2011 in 2012, podajamo ideje, izsledke, dileme, misli o preteklosti in prihodnosti.

Urednici Dragana Alfirević & Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski

Ni enostavno pisati uvodnih besed o knjigi ob zori konca sveta, kot nam je znan, ali pa na večer pred začetkom sveta, kot si ga želimo.

Ne samo da bo svet umrl, nikoli ni bil videti tako majhen, če pogledamo finance ali druge vire, ki so nam dostopni; ali pa krčenje javnega prostora; in kako so razporejeni upanje, vera in zaupanje; kako se kot civilizacija urejamo in organiziramo; kako cenimo to, kar imamo. Hkrati pa se zdi večji, če pogledamo izzive, soočanja in spremembe, ki nas čakajo, da jih udejanjimo. Mi.

V redu, prilagodljivi smo. A kako daleč lahko še gremo v prilagajanju, da preprečimo ruševinam utopije, da se nam zrušijo na glavo? V kakšnem položaju se bomo zbudili po popolnem propadu?

Neprestano smo se izumljali ter izumljali nove in nove delovne procese v iskanju najboljših modelov in idej možne komunikacije, odločanja in človeške organizacije. Vse to nam je pomagalo, da smo zgradili boljši svet, a občutek brezupa ostaja.

Konec je preteklosti, kot jo poznamo; ali pa je konec prihodnosti? Katere prihodnosti? Prihodnosti komunizma, prihodnosti levice? Neodvisne umetniške scene? Projektnega načina dela? Prihodnosti občutka neizogibnosti in nepovratnega? Prihodnosti Nomad Dance Academyja? Prihodnosti ljubezni?

Kako nadaljevati? Se še bolj predati nizko plačanim delom manjšega obsega in dosega, se še bolj potopiti v razne umetniške prakse, ki s tem postanejo še bolj hermetične in nedostopne drugim? Moramo dati prednost dobičku pred družbenimi učinki? Moramo razprostreti rdečo preprogo na festivalih in se delati, da je vse v najboljšem redu? Gremo s tokom in se ne sprašujemo, kdaj umetnost postane blago v rokah kapitalizma? Se še imenujemo umetniki? Se delamo, da se nič ne dogaja? Se napijemo do pozabe?

Kaj storiti?

Odgovor je v dejanjih. To, verjamemo, je nosilec sprememb, to je tisto, kar bo proizvedlo razliko, ki jo vsi potrebujemo, to bo raziskovanje prineslo nazaj v umetnost. Umetnost je nekaj, kar nas popelje onkraj naših pričakovanj; kjer zagledamo svet kot prostor, v katerem slavimo spremembo, namesto kot prostor, v katerem slavimo dobiček, ki ga proizvedemo z ustvarjanjem umetnosti. Smo veliko več kot nosilci komodifikacije lastnega dela in zato smo prihodnost.

The Present, Nomad Dance Academy Publication 2011/2012

Edited and selected by Dragana Alfirević, Biljana Tanurovska Kjulakovski

Through this book we bring forward ideas, findings, dilemmas, thoughts about the past and future that artists, organizers, writers, programmers and audiences of the Nomad Dance Academy regional network and invited friends engaged in during 2011 and 2012. Every piece of work of NDA in these two years operated from the urgency of the questions posed underneath. We used the artistic framework as an excuse to deal with much more urgent questions.

Editorial by Dragana Alfirević & Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski

It is not easy to write the editorial for the book at the dawn of the end of the world as we know it, or maybe in the evening before the beginning of the world as we want it?

The world is not only going to die: it even never looked smaller. In terms of finances and resources available, in terms of shrinking of the public space, in terms of how hope, faith and trust are distributed, in terms of how we as civilisation arrange and organize ourselves and how we appreciate what we have. But it also seems much bigger than ever, in terms of challenge, confrontations and changes that have to be made. By us.

Ok, we are flexible, but how much more can we stretch to prevent the ruins of a utopia falling on our heads? In which constellation will we wake up after the collapse?

We have been constantly re-inventing our working processes, and ourselves, searching for the best models and ideas of possible communication, decision-making and human organization. It helped us to make this world a better place, but the feeling of hopelessness is still there.

It’s the end of the past as we know it, or is this the end of the future? Which future? The future of the communisms, the future of the leftists? Of the independent art scenes? Of project-oriented ways of working? The future of this feeling of inevitability and irreversibility? The future of Nomad Dance Academy? The future of love?

How do we go on then? Do we engage even more in low paid small-scale works, do we dive even more to our own practices, keeping it even more hermetic and inaccessible to others? Do we need to prioritize profit over social effects? Do we need to put red carpets in our festivals and pretend all is fine? Do we go with the flow and never ask ourselves - when does art become a commodity in the hands of capitalism? Do we still call ourselves artists? Do we pretend that nothing is happening? Do we get drunk until we forget it all?

What is to be done?

We answer it by doing it, and we believe this makes a change, this makes a difference that we all need and brings art to the place of exploration. Art is something that can bring us beyond expectations, make us see the world as a place where we can celebrate the change rather than a place where we celebrate the profit we gain through the artistic work. We are much more than agents of commodification of our work, and that is why we are the future.
