Jana Jevtović & Engin Can
Teleskopiranje /




Foto: Marko Gutić Mižimakov
Vse je tu.
Vsi gibi so tu, na razpolago vsem.
Vsi gibi med gibi so tu.
Na razpolago.
Mi smo tu. Z vsemi svojimi gibi, na razpolago.
In z njimi vse med nami, nama in vami, vami in časom.
Tu nismo nič drugega kot gibi. In gibi med gibi.
Nič (ni)smo, ničesar ne posedujemo, ničesar nismo dolžni, vam, gibom.
JA gibom.
JA nam.
JA vam.
JA gibom, ki povezujejo gibe.
JA spominu.
JA domišljiji.
JA dejstvom.
JA očitnemu.
Ne sebi nimava ničesar drugega kot gibe. Enega, ki je mnogi. Mnoge, ki so vse razen en(o).
Midva vas “vi-java”, vi naju “vidva-te”.
Gib med nami.
Za gib razdalje med nami.
Ne skrbi, gib bo tu, ko tebe že zdavnaj več ne bo.
Prisluhni, kaj nam prinaša gib med mano in tabo.
Opazi razdaljo med začetkom in gesto začetka.
Ni minljiv gib, pač pa mi.
Gib nima spomina, domišljije, ta sta rezervirana za nas.
Večnost je sopomenka (sinonim) giba.
Narejeni smo iz gibov.
Teleskopiranje je dolgoročna raziskava Jane Jevtović in Engina Cana (ali z drugimi besedami praksa, urjenje), ki se je začela januarja 2018. Proučuje, kaj točno se prenaša v plesu, ki ga plešemo in kaj točno se prenaša v procesih, ki spremljajo plesanje plesa: osebno življenje, družbene okoliščine, produkcija, organizacija, marketing, zagovorništvo, lobiranje, administracija plesa. Izhodišče Teleskopiranja je razumevanje plesalčevega telesa kot živega in živečega arhiva, v katerem se usedline gibov in gibanja vedno znova premeščajo, saj iz dopisovanja med sedanjostjo in preteklostjo vedno vznike nov gib, novo gibanje, ki se uleže ali bolje uležava skupaj z že uležanimi gibi in gibanji ter tako usedline drži v stalnem gibanju.
18. in 19. junij 2018, vsakič ob 19.00
Cirkulacija2, Tobačna 2, Ljubljana
Ples, koreografija, urjenje: Jana Jevtović, Engin Can
Oblikovanje zvoka in svetlobe: Zoran Grabarac
Sodelavec: Rok Vevar
V dogodku se uporablja glasba Suzanne Ciani / Buchla Concerts 1975 / Finders Keepers Records / Velika Britanija, 2016
V dogodku se uporablja besedilo Marie-Louise Angerer Too Much Time: On the Productive Difference of the Interval (iz publikacije »Time and (In)Completion - Images and Performances Of Time in Late Capitalism«, urednika Tomislav Medak and Goran Sergej Pristaš, založil BADco, Zagreb, 2014)
Produkcija: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, Jana Jevtović in Engin Can, v sodelovanju s Cirkulacijo2 in podporo Mestne občine Ljubljana. Program Ustvarjalna Evropa Evropske Unije v okviru DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON podpira tudi Teleskopiranje.
Hvala Dragani Alfirević, Borutu Savskem, Stefanu Döppne
Vsi gibi so tu, na razpolago vsem.
Vsi gibi med gibi so tu.
Na razpolago.
Mi smo tu. Z vsemi svojimi gibi, na razpolago.
In z njimi vse med nami, nama in vami, vami in časom.
Tu nismo nič drugega kot gibi. In gibi med gibi.
Nič (ni)smo, ničesar ne posedujemo, ničesar nismo dolžni, vam, gibom.
JA gibom.
JA nam.
JA vam.
JA gibom, ki povezujejo gibe.
JA spominu.
JA domišljiji.
JA dejstvom.
JA očitnemu.
Ne sebi nimava ničesar drugega kot gibe. Enega, ki je mnogi. Mnoge, ki so vse razen en(o).
Midva vas “vi-java”, vi naju “vidva-te”.
Gib med nami.
Za gib razdalje med nami.
Ne skrbi, gib bo tu, ko tebe že zdavnaj več ne bo.
Prisluhni, kaj nam prinaša gib med mano in tabo.
Opazi razdaljo med začetkom in gesto začetka.
Ni minljiv gib, pač pa mi.
Gib nima spomina, domišljije, ta sta rezervirana za nas.
Večnost je sopomenka (sinonim) giba.
Narejeni smo iz gibov.
Teleskopiranje je dolgoročna raziskava Jane Jevtović in Engina Cana (ali z drugimi besedami praksa, urjenje), ki se je začela januarja 2018. Proučuje, kaj točno se prenaša v plesu, ki ga plešemo in kaj točno se prenaša v procesih, ki spremljajo plesanje plesa: osebno življenje, družbene okoliščine, produkcija, organizacija, marketing, zagovorništvo, lobiranje, administracija plesa. Izhodišče Teleskopiranja je razumevanje plesalčevega telesa kot živega in živečega arhiva, v katerem se usedline gibov in gibanja vedno znova premeščajo, saj iz dopisovanja med sedanjostjo in preteklostjo vedno vznike nov gib, novo gibanje, ki se uleže ali bolje uležava skupaj z že uležanimi gibi in gibanji ter tako usedline drži v stalnem gibanju.
18. in 19. junij 2018, vsakič ob 19.00
Cirkulacija2, Tobačna 2, Ljubljana
Ples, koreografija, urjenje: Jana Jevtović, Engin Can
Oblikovanje zvoka in svetlobe: Zoran Grabarac
Sodelavec: Rok Vevar
V dogodku se uporablja glasba Suzanne Ciani / Buchla Concerts 1975 / Finders Keepers Records / Velika Britanija, 2016
V dogodku se uporablja besedilo Marie-Louise Angerer Too Much Time: On the Productive Difference of the Interval (iz publikacije »Time and (In)Completion - Images and Performances Of Time in Late Capitalism«, urednika Tomislav Medak and Goran Sergej Pristaš, založil BADco, Zagreb, 2014)
Produkcija: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija, Jana Jevtović in Engin Can, v sodelovanju s Cirkulacijo2 in podporo Mestne občine Ljubljana. Program Ustvarjalna Evropa Evropske Unije v okviru DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON podpira tudi Teleskopiranje.
Hvala Dragani Alfirević, Borutu Savskem, Stefanu Döppne
All is here.
All the movements are here, available.
All the movements between movements are here.
We are here. With all our movements, available.
And everything between us, us and you, you and the time.
Here, we are but movements. And the movements in between the movements.
We have nothing, we own nothing, we owe nothing to us, to you, to the movements.
Yes to movement.
Yes to us.
Yes to you.
Yes to the movement that connects two movements.
Yes to memory.
Yes to imagination.
Yes to facts.
Yes to the obvious.
We are stripped down to wear but a movement. One that is many. Many that is everything but one.
We you you you we us.
Movement between us. Movement distance between us.
Rest assured the movement will stay when you will be gone.
Stay tuned to what the movement between you and us will bring.
Notice the distance between departure and gesture of departure.
It is not movement that is ephemeral, it is us.
Movement has no memory and no imagination, that is reserved for us.
Eternity is a synonym of movement.
We are made of movements.
Telescoping is a long-term research initiated in early 2018 by Jana Jevtović and Engin Can, and which takes the form of a practice and performance. Telescoping researches what is being transmitted when we dance and what is being transmitted in the processes that accompany all our dancing: personal life, social circumstances, modes of production, organization, marketing, lobbying, administration. Telescoping considers the dancer’s body as a live and living archive which continually sediments movements, associations, connotations, and in so doing keeps the sediments moving.
18th and 19th June 2018 at 19.00h
Cirkulacija2, Tobačna 5, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Danced, choreographed, practiced by: Jana Jevtović and Engin Can
Sound and light design: Zoran Grabarac
Collaborator: Rok Vevar
With music by: Suzanne Ciani / Buchla Concerts 1975 / Finders Keepers Records / UK 2016
With text by: Marie-Louise Angerer “Too Much Time: On the Productive Difference of the Interval” (from Time and (In)Completion - Images and Performances Of Time in Late Capitalism, ed. Tomislav Medak and Goran Sergej Pristas; published by BADco, Zagreb, 2014)
Produced by Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, Jana Jevtović and Engin Can, in collaboration with Cirkulacija2 and with the support of City of Ljubljana, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union within the frame of DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON
Thanks to Dragana Alfirević, Borut Savski, Stefan Döppner.
All the movements are here, available.
All the movements between movements are here.
We are here. With all our movements, available.
And everything between us, us and you, you and the time.
Here, we are but movements. And the movements in between the movements.
We have nothing, we own nothing, we owe nothing to us, to you, to the movements.
Yes to movement.
Yes to us.
Yes to you.
Yes to the movement that connects two movements.
Yes to memory.
Yes to imagination.
Yes to facts.
Yes to the obvious.
We are stripped down to wear but a movement. One that is many. Many that is everything but one.
We you you you we us.
Movement between us. Movement distance between us.
Rest assured the movement will stay when you will be gone.
Stay tuned to what the movement between you and us will bring.
Notice the distance between departure and gesture of departure.
It is not movement that is ephemeral, it is us.
Movement has no memory and no imagination, that is reserved for us.
Eternity is a synonym of movement.
We are made of movements.
Telescoping is a long-term research initiated in early 2018 by Jana Jevtović and Engin Can, and which takes the form of a practice and performance. Telescoping researches what is being transmitted when we dance and what is being transmitted in the processes that accompany all our dancing: personal life, social circumstances, modes of production, organization, marketing, lobbying, administration. Telescoping considers the dancer’s body as a live and living archive which continually sediments movements, associations, connotations, and in so doing keeps the sediments moving.
18th and 19th June 2018 at 19.00h
Cirkulacija2, Tobačna 5, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Danced, choreographed, practiced by: Jana Jevtović and Engin Can
Sound and light design: Zoran Grabarac
Collaborator: Rok Vevar
With music by: Suzanne Ciani / Buchla Concerts 1975 / Finders Keepers Records / UK 2016
With text by: Marie-Louise Angerer “Too Much Time: On the Productive Difference of the Interval” (from Time and (In)Completion - Images and Performances Of Time in Late Capitalism, ed. Tomislav Medak and Goran Sergej Pristas; published by BADco, Zagreb, 2014)
Produced by Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, Jana Jevtović and Engin Can, in collaboration with Cirkulacija2 and with the support of City of Ljubljana, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union within the frame of DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON
Thanks to Dragana Alfirević, Borut Savski, Stefan Döppner.