Projekti / Projects

Wilhelm Groener

33 SKIC_performing@archive /
33 SKETCHES_performing@archive


Vizualna umetnica Mariola Groener in plesalec Günther Wilhelm sta leta 2001 združila imeni v umetniški tandem WILHELM GROENER, ki ga znamči interdisciplinarno raziskovanje in tvori raznoroden performativno-koreografski opus, sestavljen iz odrskih postavitev, in-situ umetniških del, predavanj in razstav. Mariolo in Güntherja v njunih postopkih zanima predvsem strukturna razlika, ki zaznamuje gib, in igra med vidnim in nevidnim, med poznanim in neznanim oziroma med usidrano vednostjo in potencialno novim znanjem in uvidom. Igra pomenov, ki jo v svojih uprizoritvah pogosto naslavljata, se razpira v zdrsih in spremenjenih poudarkih v razumevanju in s tem poimenovanju, je natančna, premišljena in vselej vznemirljiva, saj s preprostimi sredstvi odpira, niza, plasti in povezuje dialektične odnose, ki ključno zaznamujejo našo družbo. Skupaj sta ustvarila več kot 25 uprizoritev, številne postaje dolgotrajnega projekta 33 skic, videodela in umetniške publikacije.

V postopkovnem uprizoritvenem projektu 33 skic umetniški tandem WILHELM GROENER v središče in za izhodišče postavlja prostorske in kontekstualne situacije, ki jih poveže z aktualnim raziskovalnim fokusom. Omenjeni projekt, osredotočen predvsem na raziskavo materialnosti, s plastenjem in množenjem ustvarja arhiv tematskih in problemskih poudarkov tandema, ki razpira potencialne nove povezave in vezi med vizualno in uprizoritveno umetnostjo, med dvodimenzionalnim dokumentom in trodimenzionalnostjo prostora, med uprizorjenim in dokumentiranim, med prisotnostjo in reprezentacijo.

Cofestivalska izvedba bo umeščena v Mediateko centra Mime, mednarodnega gledališkega inštituta iz Berlina, v središču pa bo njuna dolgotrajna raziskava ‘uprizarjanje arhiva’. Slednja se posveča arhivskemu delu, postopkom in metodologijam arhiviranja, ritmom, konotacijam, razširitvam in (re)organizaciji. S postopki uprizarjanja pa odpirata možne odgovore na vprašanje, kaj je lahko uprizorjen arhiv in kaj predstavlja; kako in kaj je mogoče arhivirati uprizorjeno; lahko telo razumemo kot arhiv; je lahko umetniški opus transformativen stroj, ki razgrinja nove vidike performativnega?

Koncept in izvedba: WILHELM GROENER – Günther Wilhelm & Mariola Groener 
Produkcija WILHELM GROENE v koprodukciji z Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija in Mime-Centrum Berlin/ITI
Organizacija: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija in Kino Šiška
S finančno podporo: Ustvarjalna Evropa (EU) znotraj projekta Life Long Burning in programske linije Creative Crossroad, Mestne občine Ljubljana in Ministrstva za kulturo RS


In 2001, the visual artist Mariola Groener and the dancer Günther Wilhelm combined their names for the artistic brand WILHELM GROENER, which is signified by interdisciplinary research and forms a distinctive performative-choreographic oeuvre consisting of stage performances, in-situ artworks, lectures and exhibitions. Mariola and Günther are primarily interested in the structural difference in their procedures, which marks the movement and plays with the difference between the visible and the invisible, between the known and the unknown, or between the anchored knowledge and the potentially new knowledge and insight. The interplay of meanings, often addressed in their performances, is played out in slips and altered accents in understanding and thus naming, it is precise, thoughtful and always exciting, because it uses simple means to open up, thread, layer and connect the dialectic relationships that crucially characterise our society. Together they have created more than 25 performances, many stops of their long-running project of 33 sketches, video-works and artist books.

In a procedural performance project 33 sketches the artistic tandem WILHELM GROENER puts the spatial and contextual situations in the centre and uses them as a starting point, which they associate with their current research focus. By layering and multiplying the project, focused primarily on research of materiality, creates an archive of accented topics and issues of the tandem, which opens up potential new links and connections between visual and performing art; between a two-dimensional document and the three-dimensionality of space; between the staged and documented; between presence and representation.

The CoFestival performance will be placed in the Media Resource Centre of the Mine Centre, an international theatre institute in Berlin, and their long-running research of »staging of the archive« will be the vantage point. »Staging of the archive« focuses on archival work; archiving processes and methodologies, rhythms, connotations, extensions and (re)organisation. The staging procedures, however, raise possible answers to the question of what the archive can be and what it represents; how and what can be archived of a given staging; could we understand the body as an archive; could artistic work become a transformative machine that reveals new performative aspects?

Concept and performed by: WILHELM GROENER – Günther Wilhelm & Mariola Groener
Produced by WILHELM GROENER in co-production with Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija and Mime-Centrum Berlin/ITI
Organisation: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija and Kino Šiška
With financial support: Creative Europe (EU) in the frame of Life Long Burning project within the programme line Creative Crossroad
