
Foto: Dejan Habicht (MG+MSUM)
Delavnica Uvod v sodobni ples nudi gledalcu osnovna bralna in kontekstualna orodja, s katerimi vstopamo v »branje« in mišljenje sodobnega plesa. Na delavnici se bomo s pomočjo ključnih zgodovinskih paradigem in njihovih kontekstov sprehodili po proizvodnih in ustvarjalnih obratih sodobnega plesa v 20. stoletja ter ugotavljali, kako se je v njih spreminjalo mišljenje plesnih teles, prostora, časa, koreografskih struktur, instance koreografinje, plesne gledalke, plesnih institucij itn. ter ravnanje z njimi. Predstavili bomo ključne zgodovinske in kontekstualne trenutke, v katerih so vzniknili preobrati in spremembe v proizvodnji in ustvarjanju sodobno plesnih del ter njihovih pojmovanj (od predstav do studijskih praks). Dotaknili se bomo tudi načinov, kako so se na plesno delo odzivale različne sodobnoplesne javnosti, kako so se slednje proizvajale, gojile in spreminjale. Naše zgodovinsko povečevalno steklo bo zajelo obdobje od prehoda med 19. in 20. stoletjem, preko zgodovinskih avantgard do obdobja po drugi svetovni vojni in zadnjih desetletij 20. stoletja; od zgodnjega modernega plesa do konceptualnega plesa ali »post-plesa«.
Rok Vevar, dr. Jasmina Založnik.
Naše delo bo temeljilo na dokumentarnih filmskih posnetkih iz zbirke Začasnega slovenskega plesnega arhiva v MSUM. Delavnica bo potekala v obliki predavanj in pogovorov. Slušateljicam in slušateljem bo ob delavnicah omogočen ogled predstav CoFestivala 2023, mednarodnega festivala sodobnega plesa, in drugih produkcij Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija za ceno kulturnega evra.
Delavnica bo potekala dvakrat mesečno ob petkih med 15:00 in 18:00 uro v Začasnem slovenskem plesnem arhivu v Muzeju sodobnih umetnosti Metelkova, 1. nadstropje. V primerih, ko delavnice zaradi objektivnih okoliščin ne bo mogoče izvesti na predviden termin, bomo poskrbeli za nadomestne termine.
Termini: 13.10.2023, 27.10.2023, 10.11.2023, 08.12.2023
Na delavnici Analiza sodobnega plesa se bomo osredotočali na tista konkretna dela in prakse, ki so tesneje povezana s sodobnimi umetniškimi praksami zadnjih desetletij. Na obdobje, ko se je sodobni ples odmaknil od klasičnih form modernih plesnih kompozicij. Ko je v svoje prakse uvedel:
· različne modele proceduralizmov (novih metod koreografskih proizvodenj, konstrukcijskih principov, partitur, nalog itn.),
· ko je začel naseljevati alternativne prostore ali gledališča pretvarjati v neobičajne arhitekturne konfiguracije ali konstruirati specifične ambiente,
· koreografirati predmete ali koreografije umeščati v funkcionalna prostorska orodja,
· transformirati telesa izven kinetičnih kompozicijskih konfiguracij ter politizirati telesa,
· spreminjati časovnost plesa izven modernih stilnih in kompozicijskih dispozitivov,
· ko je različne socialne in kulturne prostore pretvoril v mesta specifičnih telesnih sledi,
· ko je gotove plesne in telesne identitete (kaj je ples?) pretvoril v vprašanja fundamentalnih plesnih dejanj (koreografskih performativov; kaj ples ali telo naredi?),
· ko je svojo pojmovanje plesne materialnosti s telesa razširil na njegove druge oblike,
· ko se je začel spogledovati z drugimi umentiškimi in medijskimi praksami itn.
Rok Vevar, dr. Jasmina Založnik.
Vsaka delavnica bo temeljila na posameznem plesnem delu ali seriji primerov, ki si jih bomo ogledali na videih iz avdio-vizualne zbirke Začasnega slovenskega plesnega arhiva v +MSUM. Temeljila bo na predavanjih in pogovorih. Na posamezne seanse bomo povabili goste: koreografinje in koreografe, teoretičarke in teoretike, kuratorice in kuratorje naše domače sodobnoplesne skupnosti. Slušateljicam in slušateljem bo ob delavnicah omogočen ogled predstav CoFestivala 2023, mednarodnega festivala sodobnega plesa, in drugih produkcij Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija za ceno kulturnega evra.
Delavnica bo potekala dvakrat mesečnoob petkih med 15:00 in 18:00 uro v Začasnem slovenskem plesnem arhivu v Muzeju sodobnih umetnosti Metelkova, 1. nadstropje. V primerih, ko delavnice zaradi objektivnih okoliščin ne bo mogoče izvesti na predviden termin, bomo poskrbeli za nadomestne termine.
Termini: 20.10.2023, 03.11.2023, 17.11.2023, 01.12.2023
Historic Figures: Introduction to Contemporary Dance, workshop
The workshop Introduction to Contemporary Dance provides the spectator with basic reading and contextual tools with which we enter into the process of »reading« and thinking about contemporary dance. Using crucial historical paradigms and their contexts, we will explore the productive and creative turns of contemporary dance in the twentieth century and how they have changed the way we think about and treat dance bodies, space, time, choreographic structures, the instance of the choreographer, dance spectator, dance institutions, etc. We will present pivotal historic and contextual moments in which turns and shifts in the production and creation of contemporary dance works and their conceptions (from performances to studio practices) have emerged. We will also address the ways in which different contemporary dance publics have responded to dance work, how they were produced, cultivated and changed. Our historic lens will cover the period from the transition between the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, through the historical avant-gardes, to the post Second World War period and the last decades of the twentieth century; from the early modern dance to the conceptual dance or »post-dance«.
Workshop facilitators
Rok Vevar and Jasmina Založnik, PhD
Our work will draw on documentary film footage from the collection of the Temporary Slovenian Dance Archive at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova. The workshop will take the form of lectures and discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to attend performances of the 2023 CoFestival, the international festival of contemporary dance, and other productions of Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia at discounted rates (cultural euro).
Place and Time
The twice monthly workshop will be held on Fridays between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Temporary Slovenian Dance Archive at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, 1st floor. In the event that the workshop will not be held on the scheduled date due to objective circumstances, alternative schedules will be arranged.
13rd October 2023, 27th October 2023, 10th November 2023, 8th December 2023
Analysis Of Contemporary Dance, workshop
At the workshop Analysis of Contemporary Dance, we will focus on specific works and practices that are more closely related to contemporary artistic practices of the last decades. To a period when contemporary dance departed from the classical forms of modern dance compositions. When the following were introduced into its practices:
· Different models of proceduralisms (new approaches to choreographic productions, composition principles, scores, tasks, etc.).
· Dance started to inhabit alternative spaces or to transform theatres into unusual architectural configurations or to construct specific settings.
· Choreography of objects or setting choreographies among functional spatial tools.
· The transformation of bodies beyond kinetic compositional configurations and the politicisation of bodies.
· Changing the temporality of dance beyond modern stylistic and compositional dispositifs.
· Transforming different social and cultural spaces into sites of specific bodily traces.
· Transforming ready-made dance and corporeal identities (what is dance?) into questions of fundamental dance gestures (choreographic performatives; what does the dance or the body do?).
· Extending the notion of dance materiality from the body to its other forms.
· Starting to engage with other artistic and media practices, etc.
Workshop facilitators
Rok Vevar and Jasmina Založnik, PhD
Each session will be based on a particular dance work or a series of examples, which will be shown using videos from the audio-visual collection of the Temporary Slovenian Dance Archive at Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova. It will be based on lectures and discussions. We will invite guests to specific sessions: choreographers, theorists and curators of our local contemporary dance community. Participants will have the opportunity to attend performances of the 2023 CoFestival, the international festival of contemporary dance, and other productions of Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia at discounted rates (cultural euro).
Place and Time
The twice monthly workshop will be held on Fridays between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Temporary Slovenian Dance Archive at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, 1st floor. In the event that the workshop will not be held on the scheduled date due to objective circumstances, alternative schedules will be arranged.
20th October 2023, 3rd November 2023, 17th November 2023, 1st December 2023