Revija Maska
Letn XXXVIII., št. 215-216 (jesen 2023)
Urednica: Pia Brezavšček
So-urednica te številke: Jasmina Založnik
Spodbuda za temo tokratne številke je gotovo dejstvo, da se je v slovenskem sodobnoplesnem umetniškem ustvarjanju v zadnjih desetletjih vidno razširilo zanimanje za somatske prakse. To so holistični pristopi h gibanju, kjer ne gre samo za to, kako je gib izveden in viden, ampak tudi za to, kako je razumljen in občuten od znotraj, kar odpira povsem drugačne uvide o povezavi med umom in telesom. Pričujoča številka je tako prispevek k opisu in kritični obravnavi izbranih umetniških praks, ki temeljijo na somatiki, in nikakor ni popis vseh tovrstnih poskusov. Je prispevek k njihovemu razumevanju in kamen v mozaiku aktivizma za bolj ozaveščeno delovanje, utelešeno misel, upočasnjevanje in empatično delovanje.
(Odlomek iz besedila urednic)
Revija Maska
Letn XXXVIII., št. 215-216 (jesen 2023)Urednica: Pia Brezavšček
So-urednica te številke: Jasmina Založnik
Spodbuda za temo tokratne številke je gotovo dejstvo, da se je v slovenskem sodobnoplesnem umetniškem ustvarjanju v zadnjih desetletjih vidno razširilo zanimanje za somatske prakse. To so holistični pristopi h gibanju, kjer ne gre samo za to, kako je gib izveden in viden, ampak tudi za to, kako je razumljen in občuten od znotraj, kar odpira povsem drugačne uvide o povezavi med umom in telesom. Pričujoča številka je tako prispevek k opisu in kritični obravnavi izbranih umetniških praks, ki temeljijo na somatiki, in nikakor ni popis vseh tovrstnih poskusov. Je prispevek k njihovemu razumevanju in kamen v mozaiku aktivizma za bolj ozaveščeno delovanje, utelešeno misel, upočasnjevanje in empatično delovanje.
(Odlomek iz besedila urednic)
Maska Journal
Editor: Pia Brezavšček
CO-editor: Jasmina Založnik
The impetus for the theme of this issue is certainly the fact that in Slovenian contemporary dance artistic creation, interest in somatic practice has visibly expanded in recent decades. These are holistic approaches to movement, where it is not only about how the movement is performed and seen, but also about how it is understood and felt from the inside, which opens up completely different insights into the connection between mind and body. The present issue is thus a contribution to the description and critical discussion of selected artistic practices based on somatics, and is by no means a list of all the elements of the experiments. It is a contribution to their understanding and a stone in the mosaic of activism for more conscious action, embodied thought, slowing down and empathetic action.
(Excerpt from the editors' text)
Maska Journal
Year XXXVIII., No. 215-216 (fall 2023)Editor: Pia Brezavšček
CO-editor: Jasmina Založnik
The impetus for the theme of this issue is certainly the fact that in Slovenian contemporary dance artistic creation, interest in somatic practice has visibly expanded in recent decades. These are holistic approaches to movement, where it is not only about how the movement is performed and seen, but also about how it is understood and felt from the inside, which opens up completely different insights into the connection between mind and body. The present issue is thus a contribution to the description and critical discussion of selected artistic practices based on somatics, and is by no means a list of all the elements of the experiments. It is a contribution to their understanding and a stone in the mosaic of activism for more conscious action, embodied thought, slowing down and empathetic action.
(Excerpt from the editors' text)