Projekti / Projects


Urbani zarisi / Urban Notes, Mateja Bučar
Foto: Urška Boljkovac

Poligon v Poligonu / Poligon in Poligon, skupinsko avtorstvo / group autorship
Foto: Anja Gea Sladić

Foto: Urška Boljkovac

LUMI, Marko Milić
Foto: Urška Boljkovac


CoFestival, mednarodni festival sodobnega plesa od leta 2012 nastaja v soorganizaciji NDA Slovenija in Centrom Urbane Kulture Kino Šiška. Festival nastaja v postopku sokuratorskega kolektiva, v katerem sodelujejo Dragana Alfirević, Mitja Bravhar, Dejan Srhoj, Rok Vevar in Jasmina Založnik. Med ustanovitvenimi člani festivala pa je tudi Goran Bogdanovski. CoFestival se je od leta 2012 razvil v eno najreprezentativnejših festivalskih manifestacij na področju sodobnega plesa v Republiki Sloveniji in si pridobil zaupanje in podporo domače sodobnoplesne javnosti.
            Vsebinsko je osredotočen na sodobnoplesne prakse kot prakse sodobnih umetnosti, koreografijo kot razširjeno prakso, široko pojmovanje plesnega dela, oblike družbenih koreografij, zgodovinsko koreografsko referenčno polje. Prostorsko se poleg domačega in mednarodnega prostora osredotoča na sodobnoplesni in kulturni kontekst nekdanje Socialistične Jugoslavije.
            O festivalu smo leta 2016 v gledališkem listu zapisali: »CoFestival razumemo kot koreografsko manifestacijo aktivnega državljanstva in umetniško konsolidacijo razlik, ki terjajo dogovarjanje, argumentiranje, pogajanje o načinih sobivanja in vsakokratni posluh za drugega. Izhajamo iz razširjenega pojmovanja koreografskih praks kot specifičnega umetniškega delovanja in širokega naziranja koreografskega in plesnega dela, ki ni povezano zgolj s proizvodnjo odrskih del, temveč tudi z načini produktivnosti in predvsem ustvarjalnosti, ki ne težijo izključno k ustaljenim oblikam kulturnega produkta in se običajno odvijajo izven javnega, četudi odločilno vplivajo na načine dela in mišljenja plesa in koreografije. Za nas je izjemno pomembno procesno, kontinuirano, dolgoročno in poglobljeno delo na področju koreografskih praks in njihove kulture, pa tudi na širšem področju kulturne produkcije. In takšno delo še posebej podpiramo.«

→  Spletna stran CoFestivala
→  Zgodovina in geneza CoFestivala

More Than Naked, Doris Uhlich
Foto: Urška Boljkovac

Balet upora / Ballet of Revolt, Leja Jurišić
Foto: David Lotrič

Vertigo, Eduardo Torroja
Foto: Sunčan Stone


The international festival of contemporary dance, CoFestival, has been jointly organized by NDA Slovenia and Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture since 2012. It is born through a process of curation which is collective and whose members include Dragana Alfirević, Mitja Bravhar, Dejan Srhoj, Rok Vevar in Jasmina Založnik. Among the founding members is also Goran Bogdanovski. Since 2012 CoFestival has developed into one of the most influential festivals of contemporary dance in Slovenia and has gained the trust and support of its public.
            Its content focuses on contemporary dance practices as practices of contemporary art, choreography in the expanded field, a broad conception of the work of dance, forms of social choreography, a historical choreographic field of reference. Besides the local and international scenes, the festival gives focus to the cultural context and the contemporary dance of the former Socialist Yugoslavia. 
            In the festival programme for the 2016 edition, we wrote the following: »CoFestival, international contemporary dance festival, is understood as a choreographic manifestation of active citizenship and artistic consolidation of differences that require agreements, arguments, negotiations about the ways of cohabitation, and mindfulness of others. We are building on the expanded conception of choreographic practices as a specific artistic activity and on a broad view of choreographic and dance work, which is not only related to the production of stage works, but also to the ways of productivity and above all creativity, which do not tend exclusively towards the established forms of cultural product and which are usually held outside public, although they have a decisive impact on the ways of working and thinking in dance and choreography. Process-oriented, continuous, long-term and thorough work in the field of choreographic practices and their culture, as well as in the broader field of cultural production, is extremely important to us. And such work has our particular support.«

→  CoFestival Website
→  History of CoFestival
